Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ACEC California Applauds Gov. Brown’s Delta Water Proposal

SACRAMENTO, CA – July 25, 2012 – The American Council of Engineering Companies, California (ACEC California) today commended Governor Jerry Brown for announcing a plan to make California’s water supply dramatically more safe and stable, while improving environmental quality. The Governor’s plan focuses on major improvements to the Sacramento and San Joaquin river delta, which is widely regarded as the hub of California’s water supply. “The Governor has today laid out a thoughtful and considered plan that balances California’s economic water needs with fish stock protection, water quality improvements and wetlands restoration,” said Paul Meyer, executive director of ACEC California. “The Governor’s proposal will not only confer once it is complete immense long-term economic and environmental benefits on California, in addition during its design and construction phase this major project will create thousands of quality jobs during a difficult economic time,” he added. “This is exactly the kind of large scale engineering challenge in which California engineering, surveying and environmental consulting firms excel, and our members look forward to the opportunity to help make the Governor’s vision a reality,” Meyer said. For more information on the Governor’s plan, which among other things will result in the restoration of 100,000 acres of floodplain and tidal habitat in the Sacramento River delta, visit:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ACEC California Congratulates Caltrans and San Francisco County for Accelerated Schedule and Innovation on Presidio Parkway Project Issues

he Board of Directors of the American Council of Engineering Companies, California (ACEC California) issued a Resolution this week congratulating and applauding Caltrans and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) as the driving forces behind the successful $2 billion Presidio Parkway project, which is creating a dramatically safer southern approach to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. “Our board recognizes that both Caltrans and SFCTA chose an innovative path in approaching this tremendous engineering feat, and we applaud them for having the foresight and courage to employ California’s landmark public-private partnership (P3) law to finance the project, speed project delivery, ensure long term safety and maintenance and dramatically reduce financial risks to the general public,” said Paul Meyer, executive director of ACEC California. The Resolution, which was recently unanimously approved by the 60 member Board of Directors of ACEC California, also acknowledged the engineering and land surveying, construction management and other businesses, which created jobs in California and helped make the project a success.