Tuesday, April 29, 2014

California Should Not Restrict Private Sector Work

ACEC California has long believed that the public favors a state government that can promptly and efficiently achieve its goals and serve its citizens while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

The State of California already has in place an overly complex procurement process for hiring private sector firms in all aspects of its business, including engineering and land surveying services.  So it seems counterproductive and unnecessary to add any further complexity to the process without clear public benefit.  

But that’s exactly what some are trying to do.  California is finally emerging from the economic downturn and could rest on a solid economic footing well into the future if government keeps the flexibility to use private sector expertise and allows those experts to do an efficient job.

A bill now in the Assembly seeks to place additional cost on the state and create additional time-consuming steps for its agencies by requiring the Department of General Services and other agencies using private contractors to create and maintain an online database of these contracts. 

This bill not only hurts competition, but is unnecessary and part of a larger national effort to further restrict local agencies’ ability to contract with the private sector.   Perhaps our citizens’ hard earned tax dollars would be better spent finally addressing the real problems within our bureaucracy?